Study Guide: Kinjeketile by Ebrahim N. Hussein

Study Guide: Kinjeketile by Ebrahim N. Hussein is a detailed analysis of Ebrahim Hussein's play, Kinjeketile.

Q & A: With adequate textual references, discuss the use of irony in Unexpected Joy at Dawn

Irony is a prominent narrative technique in Unexpected Joy at Dawn. Alex Agyei-Agyiri judiciously uses it to drive the narrative in his novel.

Q & A: Discuss the role played by security personnel in Unexpected Joy at Dawn

Discuss the role played by security personnel in Unexpected Joy at Dawn. Security personnel refers to a group of individuals trained to ensure the security...

Themes in Ebrahim Hussein’s Kinjeketile

The themes in Kinjeketile include the themes of colonial oppression, anti-colonial resistance, myth versus reality, and unity.

Themes in Wole Soyinkaʼs “Night”

Night is generally supposed to be a period of rest from the day's labour; but we see here the restiveness that overwhelms the poet-persona as a result of analysing some social situation.

Study Guide: Night by Wole Soyinka

Study Guide: Night by Wole Soyinka is a detailed analysis of Wole Soyinka’s poem, “Night”. The poem explores the subject of time.

Themes in Wole Soyinkaʼs “Night”

Night is generally supposed to be a period of rest from the day's labour; but we see here the restiveness that overwhelms the poet-persona as a result of analysing some social situation.

Content Analysis of Wole Soyinkaʼs “Night”

“Night” is a profound poetic architecture that explores the subject of time. Like the numerous poems on natural events, say love, birth, death, and...

Study Guide: The Breasts of the Sea by Syl Cheney-Coker

Study Guide: The Breasts of the Sea by Syl Cheney-Coker is a detailed analysis of Syl Cheney-Coker’s poem, “The Breasts of the Sea.”

Content Analysis of Susan Kiguli’s “The Resilient Tree”

“The Resilient Tree” is a ninety-three-line poem that explores the strength, endurance, and the struggles of women across centuries. Written by the celebrated Ugandan...
Elizabeth smiles and says, “Your father reacted in the same fashion when he bumped into me, and so did your brother when he met Debra.”

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