Ògògó: The Scrumptious Mushroom | Òjó Adésọjí Rufus | Poetry

“Ògògó: The Scrumptious Mushroom" is a love letter to the poet's heritage, a testament to the enduring power of cuisine to inspire,

Ògògó: The Scrumptious Mushroom
Ògògó: The Scrumptious Mushroom
Ògògó: The Scrumptious Mushroom

Ògògó, a mushroom with savoury delight,
Fragrant aroma wafting, a sensual sight.
Rich in protein, fibre, and vitamins bright,
Elevates the soup, a flavourful fusion tonight.

Soft, velvety texture, a pleasure to bite,
Pounded yam's companion, a perfect pair in might.
Making the aged savour, without a care,
Its antioxidants and umami beyond compare.

With every spoonful, their eyes gleam bright,
As Ògògó's essence ignites the night.
Sizzling sounds, a symphony of delight,
Flavours dancing, a joyful, sensory sight.

Its potassium and iron, a healthy blend,
Supporting immune systems, a true friend.
Their wrinkled hands, now nimble and fast,
Licking the plate, the soup's sweet aftermath.

Elders rejoice, their taste buds revived,
As Ògògó's Fibre and vitamins thrive.
Memories stirred, of feasts past and gone,
Ògògó's magic, forever known.

In Yorùbá lands, where culture runs deep,
Ògògó's flavour, a treasured keep.
A symbol of love, in every dish prepared,
Ògògó, Olu, Osun, beyond compare.

Ògògó to s'obe Ó m'Arúgbó s'iyan je
Ó m'Àgbàlagbà s'obe lá.

— Òjó Adésọjí Rufus

About “Ògògó”

In this sumptuous ode, Nigerian poet Òjó Adésọjí Rufus pays tribute to the revered Ògògó mushroom, a cornerstone ingredient in Yorùbá cuisine. Using sensory language and profound cultural references, the poem whisks readers away to the heart of Yorùbá lands, where the intoxicating aroma of Ògògó wafts through the air, tantalizing the taste buds and stirring the soul.

With masterful storytelling, Rufus elevates the humble mushroom to an iconic symbol of love, community, and cultural heritage. The poem delicately explores the ways in which Ògògó weaves together the fabric of Yorùbá society, evoking memories of festive gatherings, family traditions, and timeless rituals. As the poem unfolds, the mushroom’s presence is revealed to be a testament to the power of food to unite, to comfort, and to transcend.

Rufus’s vivid descriptions and inventive metaphors (“savoury delight”, “fragrant aroma wafting”, “flavours dancing”) not only awaken the senses but also illuminate the deeper significance of Ògògó in Yorùbá culture.


“Ògògó: The Scrumptious Mushroom” is a love letter to the poet’s heritage, a testament to the enduring power of cuisine to inspire, to nourish, and to connect us across cultures and generations.

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