Study Guide | Night |
Pages | 21 |
Price | ₦1,000 |
Study Guide: Night by Wole Soyinka is a detailed analysis of Wole Soyinka’s poem, “Night”. The poem is one of the six African poems recommended for the harmonised Literature-in-English syllabus for senior secondary schools (2026-2030) in West Africa. The text will be used for WASSCE, NECOSSCE, and other equivalent O-Level exams within the timeframe.
“Night” is a profound poetic architecture that explores the subject of time. Like the numerous poems on natural events, say love, birth, death, and transition in the general sense – both of African and non-African expressions – “Night” follows that tradition of laying bare a human experience of serious reality.
By way of summary, in the poem “Night”, the poet-persona is in a monologue, pondering what kind of rest he is to expect. Night is a time of rest from the day’s laborious engagement. However, here is a persona crippled by the thought of the ugly episodes that accompany night. He evaluates his vicarious experience of night’s anomaly and mischief; and perceives at once that he is as vulnerable as any naturally unfortunate creature! He therefore wishes that his own rest comes with a bearable occurrence.
This study guide by Literature Padi does a detailed analysis of the poem, along the lines of content analysis, poetic techniques and style (figures of speech inclusive), mood and tone, and the themes in the poem. We hope you find the analysis of this poem a worthy read.
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