Wole Soyinka on Religion


In The Credo of Being and Nothingness, Wole Soyinka gives his position on the world religions and the nature of their subsistence. Here are a few of his words extracted from the essay:

Erase that temple! Demolish that mosque! Obliterate that cathedral! Flatten that shrine! Each major religion and even sects within the same religion appears periodically incapable of finding its own centre except by the act of reducing the other in some form or the other to nothing.

Wole Soyinka
(The Credo of Being and Nothingness)


Violence appears to be the one constant in the histories of all major religions of the world — a primitive aggressiveness, violence — despite the lip-service which their tenets pay to the need for tolerance, peace and understanding.

Wole Soyinka
(The Credo of Being and Nothingness)

Nearly every religion develops sects, even cults, which then proceed to act contrary to the fundamental precepts and articles of faith within that religion.

Wole Soyinka
(The Credo of Being and Nothingness)

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