Chapter Seven of Bayo Adebowale’s Lonely Days continues where the previous chapter stopped. It probes into the world of Yaremi as she reflects on her relationship with her late husband, Ajumobi under the moonlit night. This chapter explores the themes of nostalgia, jealousy, and resilience.
Yaremi’s daydreaming under the moonlight serves as a backdrop for her contemplations. She observes how the moonlight impacts various facets of life in Kufi village. It illuminates the drinking bouts of Kufi men, becomes a tool for women’s storytelling, aids in farm work, and sets the stage for maiden’s dance preparations.
Yaremi concludes that the moonlight stands as a benevolent gift from God to humanity, symbolizing divine kindness and grace. This is conveyed in her reference to the moonlight as “God Almighty’s globe,” a powerful metonymy that encapsulates its significance.
However, Yaremi’s musings take a somber turn as she delves into the memory of her husband’s passing. She reflects on a past incident where her actions led to his anger and resulted in domestic violence. She had openly expressed her jealousy and resentment, pushing him away and challenging his decision to marry another woman. Yaremi recalls her request that he direct his romantic pursuits towards his proposed virgin bride, whom he had favored over Yaremi. This theme of jealousy underscores the reluctance of wives to accept their husbands’ second marriages. It is a reflection of the emotional struggles within polygamous unions.

Amid her conflicting emotions, Yaremi grapples with the dynamics of her relationship with Ajumobi. She reconciles her position by asserting the supremacy of women over men in the afterlife, where women become the masters. Yaremi acknowledges her mistakes and wishes she could have apologized for her actions, reminiscing about the time when Ajumobi treated her as precious as gold during their early marriage days. However, the opportunity for reconciliation is lost, as Ajumobi is no longer present.
The narrative shifts to Yaremi’s encounter with rumours of Ajumobi’s ghost appearing in neighbouring villages. She acknowledges similar ghostly apparitions that resemble Ajumobi’s mannerisms or clothing. These experiences intensify her longing for her late husband, evoking a yearning for his presence, protection, and companionship. Yaremi’s dreamscape envisions a reality where Ajumobi returns, assuming his familiar roles of provider, partner, and lover.
As her reverie draws to a close, Yaremi resolves not to remarry. Her adamant decision reflects her inner strength and resilience in the face of loss and societal expectations. This final assertion underscores the themes of personal agency and individuality that permeate the novel.
In summary, Chapter Seven of Lonely Days is an exploration of Yaremi’s inner world, showcasing her overarching emotions, memories, and desires as evident in her daydreams and introspections.
Read Also:
- Chapter 1 Summary of Bayo Adebowale’s “Lonely Days”
- Chapter 2 Summary of Bayo Adebowale’s “Lonely Days”
- Chapter 3 Summary of Bayo Adebowale’s “Lonely Days”
- Chapter 4 Summary of Bayo Adebowale’s “Lonely Days”
- Chapter 5 Summary of Bayo Adebowale’s “Lonely Days”
- Chapter 6 Summary of Bayo Adebowale’s “Lonely Days”
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