Chapter Ten of Bayo Adebowale’s Lonely Days follows the transformation of Yaremi’s identity, her unwavering love for her deceased husband, and the societal pressures she faces as a widow. It particularly foregrounds the subject of the persistence of love beyond death.
The chapter begins with a notable shift in Yaremi’s demeanour and appearance. She has been losing her feminine composure and adopting a more masculine demeanour. Her walk, actions, and thoughts reflect a newfound assertiveness that deters potential suitors seeking her love.
With her current manly gait, Yaremi boldly turns down Ayanwale, the village drummer, who insists on pursuing her. She places curses on his profession if he persists in his pursuit. A similar fate awaits Olonade, the wood-carver, as Yaremi lampoons his profession and dismisses his advances.
Lanwa, a prosperous farmer and supposed relative, receives a straightforward rejection as Yaremi refuses to succumb to the backward tradition of wife inheritance.

Despite her tough exterior, Yaremi’s heart is held captive by the memory of her late husband, Ajumobi. In her dreams, his lovely appearance continues to provide her comfort. The strength of their marriage vow, even in death, deepens daily.
Yaremi proudly asserts that Ajumobi’s presence cannot be erased from her subconscious by any force. Her unwavering loyalty to her late husband gives her the needed strength to withstand societal pressures.
However, Yaremi’s resilience faces a new challenge as Ajumobi’s extended family members intervene, intent on making her remarry. Their decision is grounded in the communal code of conduct that discourages a woman from living in solitude. This development underlines the transient nature of widowhood and the societal expectations placed on women to re-marry.
In this chapter, we find Yaremi struggling to uphold her autonomy while navigating societal norms.
Read Also:
- Chapter 6 Summary of Bayo Adebowale’s “Lonely Days”
- Chapter 7 Summary of Bayo Adebowale’s “Lonely Days”
- Chapter 8 Summary of Bayo Adebowale’s “Lonely Days”
- Chapter 9 Summary of Bayo Adebowale’s “Lonely Days”
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