Home News ‘My dear son I am well thanks be to God I pray for you day and night.’ ‘My dear brother it’s my sad duty to announce the death of our beloved mother Which occurred last Sunday after a short illness.’ ‘My cousin I’ve grown a lot send me some trousers and new shoes.’ ‘My love, it’s now ten years I’ve been awaiting you What’s keeping you there in the white man’s land think of the trouble you cause us by such a long absence.’ ‘My dear friend our country’s changing into a huge shanty-town. No one can eat his fill except… Send me a tape-recorder.’ ‘My dear son it is I your father I beg you to return to your land if not you will not have even the sorrow of recognizing my tomb.’ ‘My dear nephew, I must tell you of your father’s death we all hope you’ll be able to attend the forty-days’ wake.’ ‘My dear…’ A tear yesterday when the postman passed Anxiety today in awaiting his return The abyss of sadness envelops me When I have no news from home. My soul shrivels a little When home news tumbles over me. The other day I made a fleeting boat Full of home news. I set it in the water at the wharf of Exile-Overseas. I went to attend its arrival at the landing stage of Loneliness-under-Hope. My boat landed some secret passengers for me Next day the postman’s prophetic hand was stretched towards me. ‘My dear friend, your brother was arrested last week in reprisal for your political work against the government Your family is left without a head Send me a shirt and a neck-tie.’ — Ahmed Tidjani-Cissé
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